The Team

  • Jane Miller Chief Executive Officer

    Jane has worked in senior roles across a variety of sectors including Banking, Health and Aging, Employment and Federal Government. Her focus has been working as an Operations Manager for several large NGOs with a focus on improving social, education and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in regional and remote Western Australia.

    Jane utilises her extensive experience to lead the Backbone team for the Connecting Community for Kids initiative, ensuring community members lead the change they want for children and families. Jane considers this work the most rewarding of her career, community leaders are turning aspiration into action, challenging and changing systems working towards transformative change

  • Justine Fawcett Communications Officer

    Justine joined the CCK team in 2018 with extensive experience in marketing and communications roles across both local government and corporate enterprises.

    As a local resident, and mother of three young children, she is passionate about facilitating initiatives to enhance levels of developmental outcomes in young children.

    She loves to indulge her creative talents at CCK, where she is responsible for communications, marketing and graphic design, and recently developed and rolled-out our new website. Over the past 3 years Justine has developed multiple key communication pieces, in collaboration with stakeholders, including My Journey to School (a brochure supported by the Department of Education to prepare Kwinana families for school) and Silver Linings (a workbook to support school-aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s emotional well-being).

    Outside of work you can find Justine at the gym, making a mess in the kitchen or cheering on her kids at weekend sport.


  • Bec Jones Community Facilitator Kwinana

    Bec has worked across many areas of the education and care sector, with her career highlight being working within the Port Headland and Pilbara community. She has spent the last 3 years working in a primary school as a Special Needs Education Assistant.

    Bec is passionate about providing parents with support during the Early Years and is looking forward to working with, and supporting, the community for positive community change and outcomes.

    She is a super-mum to 3 beautiful children and in her spare time loves to go camping. She finds her inner-zen amongst the greenery and has a house plant and gardening addiction.

  • Sylvia Winmar Community Connector

    Sylvia is employed as a Community Connector for Kwinana.  She will be working closely with services and community members to build capacity, share culture and connect with community members. She is a super-mum to three kids and in her spare time loves to explore the outdoors with her family.

    In February 2024 Sylvie passed her Ears2Learn Screening accreditation and is now an Ear Screener at CCK.