Community Participation

Children (aged 0-5 years) and their families are participating in community life.

Objective 1

Increase community voice in the collaborative leadership of networks, services and decisions impacting children 0-5 years and their families. Develop peer leaders.
- Circles of Support - increasing participation of children and families with disability.
- Education, Care and Family Network (ECFN) - Developing tools and supports that optimise a child’s journey from birth to school.

Objective 2

Reduce social isolation of children and their families in ways that connect families and children and increase community appreciation of diversity.
- Maaraka Dabakarn Hands to Steady
- Cultural Chat and Play - Multicultural playgroup celebrating cultural diversity.
- Ngulung Katitjiny Ngulung Boodja Our Knowledge Our Country - Learning and sharing Aboriginal culture across the early years sector.

To learn more about the strategies on our Roadmap click here

 To view our partners click here.

    ImageImageImagegirl with disability holding sign